Packaging & Storage

The storage and packaging of our cannabis hold pivotal significance within our workflow, receiving the same meticulous care and attention that characterizes every other facet of our operation.

Our cannabis is packaged in a dedicated controlled environment (clean room). Within this controlled environment, strict regulations and protocols are enforced to ensure the safe, hygienic and pristine packaging of the product. To maintain its freshness and quality, we use special airtight containers that effectively protect the cannabis from external elements and prevent any potential contamination.

After packaging, our cannabis is stored in a dedicated storage area designed like a safe. This high security room is strictly monitored and alarmed to ensure the safety of our precious product. Access to this area is kept to a minimum and is strictly controlled.

Our security measures meet the highest standards required by the authorities and are updated on an ongoing basis. The size and level of security of our warehouse allows us to produce on a large scale whilst ensuring the quality and safety of our product at all times.

At Cannerald, we take our responsibility for the safe storage and packaging of our cannabis very seriously. We understand that these aspects are crucial not only to the quality of our product, but also to our customers' trust in our brand. That's why we are relentlessly committed to best practice in this area and always strive to meet the highest standards in all aspects of our work.